Toxic femininity and publishing*

If we classify the extremes of maleness as toxic masculinity it is worth asking what form the extremes of female behaviour or toxic femininity might take? This matter has been discussed in two previous blog posts. First, when Jordan Peterson waded into the subject see Jordan Peterson and Toxic Femininity. Second, following an article in… Continue reading Toxic femininity and publishing*

Stephen Burrell’s COVID musings

Not all toxic feminists are female. Indeed, some of the worst ones are male. Take the case of Stephen Burrell who is an assistant professor (lecturer in ‘old money’) in the sociology department at Durham University. He has featured in this blog before when he wrote a disagreeable and poorly researched piece in The Conversation… Continue reading Stephen Burrell’s COVID musings

The Death of the English Literature Degree

“Long before any ideas of “woke” had entered the mainstream, university English departments had decided what was, and wasn’t, acceptable. Woe betide you, student or tutor alike, if you deviated from the new orthodoxy” Alexander Larman writing in The Critic It might seem odd to take pleasure in the decline and possible death of English… Continue reading The Death of the English Literature Degree